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Intercollegiate Iron Pour

WNC Sculpture is pleased to invite academia associated iron casters and sculptors for an intercollegiate iron pour. This gathering and open public iron pour intends to bring together sculpture educators, students and independent artists to share knowledge of the casting process, network with other institutions and engage in the first iron pour of 2022!

A great way for sculptors with little or no iron pouring experience to practice the process.

We encourage students to participate.


Students will be prioritized to learn their area of interest relating to the iron pour itself (furnace prep and operation, running a pour floor, etc.). 

Participants must provide all appropriate PPE to be allowed to be on the pour floor.

More information below.

We do ask that molds not be broken until the morning of March 20 unless prior needs are expressed ahead of time.

We also request that participants be present on Sunday March 20 to help with the pour yard clean up if possible.

A bon fire will follow the pour on March 19th.

The iron pour will be an open community event. All participants are expected to conduct themselves with a level of professionalism which reflects WNCSC's appreciation for its visitors at all times. Drug use is strictly prohibited at all times 24 hours of the day. Should any Iron Pour participants engage with the public during their stay at WNCSC, it is expected that the interactions be respectful and cordial.  


 Participating sculptors are responsible for bringing their own tent or otherwise suitable sleeping equipment. The camping fee will grant participants access to a communal kitchen space and a shower facility. The campsites themselves do not include electricity or running water but are located close to the studio which participants will have 24 hour access. 

$10 flat rate for camping.

The temperature is varied at this time of year in the Yadkin River Valley where WNCSC is located. It is strongly advisable to prepare for cold temperatures at night. 

• $10 to participate in the pour

• $10 flat camping fee for single or double night.

Participants are encouraged and welcome to arrive on Friday, March 18.*

• If in need of iron, 50 cents per pound will be charged to fill molds, including sprue, vent and gate weight. Sculptors are required to break their own iron.

• If you bring iron for your molds, iron must be usable. 

• All participants are required to be onsite by 12:00 and present at the iron pour safety meeting.

• All fees are due upon arrival.

Western North Carolina Sculpture Center

4612 Patterson School Dr.

Lenoir, NC 28645

© 2022 WNC Sculptures All Rights Reserved.

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* indicates required